
Bare root Alstroemeria is in particularly short supply this year, so sadly we can’t offer what has been available in the past – but fear not, we will definitely be looking to re-introduce the A.ligtu hybrids in the future. It has to be said, however, that I am rarely beaten in these matters. So I’m happy to present a new breeding of Alstroemeria, called the Inticancha series. These are vigorous, dwarf Peruvian Lily’s , making them ideal for growing in patio pots. They have a fantastically long flowering window, all the way from June through until well into October if they are kept sheltered, and the colours of these flowers are vibrant and eye catching. The shelf life on the flowers is also some of the best on the market, so they can be cut and bought inside and used for flower displays. The plants are hardy, but it is advisable to bring the pots under cover if there is a sharp cold spell, or add some protective mulch if in the border.

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