Delivered to you from early October
from £7.50 to £29.50
Tulipa Flaming Flag is white with broad raspberry flames from the base. The white with crimson mix is like an expensive ice cream, absolutely perfect in combination with the pink and white apple blossom that is out at the same time. Pictured with T. Havran. A few of these tulips go a long way.
Tulipa Flaming Flag bulbs should be planted 5-6" (12-15cm) deep in well drained soil and 5" (12cm) apart, or allow 7-9 per square foot where they will get sunny conditions in the spring. Don't be in a rush to get the tulips in the ground as they will benefit from planting in late October or early November, by which time the first frosts will have reduced the level of disease in the soil.
Flowers April
Height 15" (38cm)