Delivered to you from early October
from £10.50 to £43.00
Tulip Honeymoon is a fringed tulip which is creamy white, sometimes with a tinge of green and edged in a sparkling white frosted fringe. A cracking tulip that looks like it has just been taken out of a freezer. Earlier into flower than others in the same group.
Tulipa Honeymoon bulbs should be planted 6" (15cm) deep and 6-8" (15-20cm) apart at 4-5 per square foot in a well-drained, sunny situation. Don't be in a rush to get the tulips in the ground as they will benefit from planting in late October or early November, by which time the first frosts will have reduced the level of disease in the soil.
Flowers May
Height 15" (38cm)