Autumn planted

Gladiolus albus

Order Code: 88-06

Delivered to you from early October

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Gladiolus albus has starry, tapered, gleaming white flowers tinged with green at the throat, a strong-growing favourite of ours and our customers. Do ensure that the soil is well drained and if you have failed before, try them again planted in deep pots protected from the worst of the cold till spring and then plant these out into your sunny border.

Planting Instructions

Gladiolus albus corms should be planted in fertile, well drained soil, 4-6" (10-15cm) deep, 4" (10cm) apart in clumps, with added grit if drainage is not good. Apply a high-potash liquid fertiliser when spikes reach about 6" (15cm). These handsome plants need no staking or lifting in the winter in warm and sheltered areas where they make good garden plants and cut flowers. They grow away early and this may result in the foliage being susceptible to severe late frost, so mulching is a possible requirement. If yours is a cold garden, the winter dormant hybrid forms are also sold in the spring so buy them then instead, Alternatively if you have failed with this variety before, try them again in deep pots protected from the worst of the cold until Spring and then plant these out into a sunny border. The Bride has starry, tapered, gleaming white flowers tinged with green at the throat, 18" (45cm) tall in June.

Plant Details

Flowers June
Height 18" (45cm)

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