Late Summer planted

Colchicum Waterlily

Order Code: 73-23

Delivery from the third week of September

£14.50 per pack

Pack of 3

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A multi-petalled variety with pinky-lilac flowers which open out widely in the sun - looking very like a small waterlily flower.  Surprisingly resilient to the weather despite its fragile looking appearance, Later flowering than many other Colchicums.

All the Colchicum flower in the late autumn without their leaves. These emerge in the early winter after flowering and are at their largest in March and disappear in late June when the bulbs have a dry summer dormancy. Sunny conditions, perhaps with some shade suit them. Beware slug damage.

RHS Award of Garden Merit.

This plant/cultivar has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit because it has proved to be reliable in appropriate conditions and a good performing plant. 

Planting Instructions

They should be planted 2-3" (5-8cm)  deep, perhaps a little more for the bigger bulbs, and 6" (15cm) apart, happy in sun or shade and tolerant of summer drought when they are dormant.

Plant Details

Flowers October
Height 6" (15cm)

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