Late Summer planted

Gladiolus tristis

Order Code: 88-15

Delivery from the third week of September

from £5.00 to £15.00

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Native to South Africa, but sometimes not quite hardy here. A very special winter growing Gladiolus with a wonderful scent in the evenings. It really needs a sheltered site, providing protection from temperatures lower than about -5°C as they are in leaf through January and February. The apple white flowers open progressively up the long rush-like stems, and produce a generous seed set.

Planting Instructions

Winter growing and so in leaf through the winter, they will need a sheltered site or else more substantial winter protection from temperatures lower than about -5°C.  Plant 4" (10cm) deep and 3-4" (10cm) apart in good well drained compost, grow in good light. They will be dormant by July so allow them a dry summer rest before repotting (if in containers) in August or September. Lots of fertile seed is set but this might take 3-4 years to flower.

Plant Details

Flowers   April / May
Height     36" (90cm)

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