Spring planted

Gladiolus tristis

Order Code: 88-15

Delivery from the third week of September

This product is out of season, register and an email will be sent to you when it is available to order.

Native to South Africa, but sometimes not quite hardy here. A very special winter growing Gladiolus with a wonderful scent in the evenings. It really needs a sheltered site, providing protection from temperatures lower than about -5°C as they are in leaf through January and February. The apple white flowers open progressively up the long rush-like stems, and produce a generous seed set.

Planting Instructions

Winter growing and so in leaf through the winter, they will need a sheltered site or else more substantial winter protection from temperatures lower than about -5°C.  Plant 4" (10cm) deep and 3-4" (10cm) apart in good well drained compost, grow in good light. They will be dormant by July so allow them a dry summer rest before repotting (if in containers) in August or September. Lots of fertile seed is set but this might take 3-4 years to flower.

Plant Details

Flowers   April / May
Height     36" (90cm)

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