Spring planted

Arisaema candidissimum

Order Code: 54-02

Delivered to you from April


Pack of 1

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Tubers of this amazing aroid. White and pink striped scented trumpets - which always remind me of fancy dorades (those tubes used to draw fresh air down below decks on a cruise liner) which arise in the summer with large three lobed leaves (one lobe of which is usually smaller than the others) to follow. They enjoy shade and moisture and are hardy, though seem to have a very short growing season emerging as late as they do. These are big UK grown tubers. They originate in western China at about 2000’ in woodland conditions.

Planting Instructions

These thrive in either some shade or sunnier conditions but do not want it too dry in summer and are hardy to about -20C in the winter. They emerge remarkably late so do be patient!  Plant about 12-18" (30-45cm) apart and probably with 4-5" (10-12 cm) of soil over the tubers. White and pink flowered aroids with flowers about 15"  (40 cm) tall but the lobed leaves may be taller.

Plant Details

Flowers    July

Height       15" (40cm)

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