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Tuberous natives of the Himalayas growing on grassy slopes and in forest at altitude with bright green spathes with long whispy tails well above the foliage. Ideal in shade where they add to the green tapestry. They are pollenated by flies and once seed is set form red seed heads which are likely to be toxic if eaten. 25mm diamter tubers
They thrive in shadier conditions but do not want it too dry in summer and are hardy to about -20C in the winter. Plant about 12-18" (30-45cm) apart and with 3-5" (7 - 10 cm) of soil over the tubers. The flowers generally extend above the foliage and in shady, sheltered conditions can reach 24" (60 cm) tall in the summer. Green spathed with red seeds in the autumn (which may be toxic). They are pollinated by various flies.
Flowering July / August
Height 24" (60cm)
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