Spring planted

Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost

Order Code: 18-04

Delivered to you from April

from £15.00 to £35.00

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With lovely broad leaves, mainly white but ‘crazed’ with green and, as is their habit, overlapping one another attractively to cover the ground with sprays of tiny bright blue flowers in the late spring adding a smoky haze. Supplied as a well rooted 2ltr pot

RHS Award of Garden Merit.

This plant/cultivar has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit because it has proved to be reliable in appropriate conditions and a good performing plant. 

Planting Instructions

Useful plants with great "architectural" merit. The broad, low foliage is attractive and visible for much longer than the very pretty blue flowers which are held visibly above the leaves when they appear. Good in damper conditions in part shade (where the leaves become larger than they would in sunny conditions). Perfectly hardy, though sometimes retaining some of their leaves in the winter. These can be tidied back. Water well on planting and in dry periods in the first year. A great foil to other plants. 

Plant Details

Flowers   April / May

Height     18" (45cm)

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