Spring planted

Liriope muscari Big Blue

Order Code: 109-07

Delivered to you from April

from £7.50 to £20.00

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Providing colour at a time of year when things are winding down these are doubly welcome especially as they cope with shade so well. Supplied as bare root division.

Planting Instructions

These tough, but slow growing plants prefer shady well drained position without too much lime (signs of that are bleached out leaves). Plant into reasonably good, moisture retentive soil, watering in to establish and with 12" (30cm) between clumps. Avoid planting them in full sun as in scorching years their foliage can get burnt. Ropes of purple flowers on tough stems in the late summer/autumn 12" (30 cm) tall.

Plant Details

Flowers     Late summer / autumn

Height       12" (30cm)

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