Spring planted

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sulivantii Goldsturm

Order Code: 207-01

Delivered to you from April


Pack of 1

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In flower for weeks and a must have autumn flowering perennial that derives from the American prairie. Not so tall to require staking and not so fast growing to be invasive, it is a real crowd pleaser - and the insects love them. Just deadhead the fading golden yellow flowers to extend the display. Sun or shade - just not too dry. From bare root division

Planting Instructions

These derive from the American prairie and the insects love them.  Yellow flowers  24-36" (60-90cm) tall in late summer.  Plant the same depth as were previously potted.  Rudbeckias grow well in moderately fertile, moisture retentive soil, they flower best in full sun. Deadhead the fading golden yellow flowers to extend the display.

Plant Details

Flowers   Late Summer

Height     24-36 " (60-90cm)

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