Delivered to you from April
Huge, fragrant flowers that often reach over 11cm in diameter consisting of pinky/purple petals that fade to light pink as they age. This is a clone of one of the original echinacea’s (Rubinstern) and it has a long flowering period, sometimes right through until the first frosts. Supplied as bare root division
Ideal position is full sun, but these will tolerate some shade. Soils need to be moisture retentive, but also free draining - echinacea do not like to 'sit wet' .
Prior to planting, soak the roots in a bucket of water for 2-3 hours. Dig a hole of suitable size and place division in, with the crown level with the surface. Recover and water in well. Any shoots that have already emerged from the crown should be left above the surface. If planting in early spring, it s best to ensure the fresh plantings can be protected from any late frosts. Whilst echinacea are hardy, they are notoriously slow to get going. Continue to water well in the first season to aid establishment
When mature, echinacea can spread up to 45cm across, and become 60-90cm tall, so bear this in mind when selecting the position of the plant
These will die back in the winter, so it is advisable to clear away any old growth in the late autumn to allow the fresh to appear unhindered in the following spring
Flowering Sept/Oct
Height 28” (80cm)